Tuesday 20 March 2007

Ned Ludd lives!!!

Jesus fucking Christ... I have to write a compiled HTML help file for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (among other things), the deadline's this Friday's afternoon and I've got a long way to go yet. Why the hell do I have to write documentation for a program someone else wrote? And why can't I plagiarize the stuff that's already written? I hope I won't have to see a Microsoft database or a projector for a really long time, or I might go berserk.

Projectors are THE tools of neuron destruction, I tell you. Even more than booze. When I was little, in class the teacher would teach a proper class. Nowadays you get PDF or those damn Powerpoint files with some dumbass reading them aloud (like I couldn't read them faster than them), the classroom darkened, while you drift into sleep, only to awaken when your head hits the keyboard. Some of these classes are worse than watching the Dungeons & Dragons movie (the one where gold and red dragons are stupid non-sentient reptiles who spit flaming fur balls and the final dragon battle is a rip-off of Star Wars).

And the dudes who wrote MSSQL Server 2005... let's say that they're a bunch of motherfucking sons of bitches. I haven't seen another database server whose service crashes while detaching a database... and then refuses to re-attach it. Bastards.

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